Little Silver Police Department Professional Standards
The Little Silver Police Department is committed to providing law enforcement services that are fair, effective and impartially applied. Employees, both sworn and civilian, are held to the highest standards of official conduct and are expected to respect the rights of all citizens. The adherence of all employees to these standards, motivated by a moral and professional obligation to perform their job to the best of their ability, is the ultimate objective of this agency. Citizen confidence in the integrity of this department increases through the establishment of meaningful and effective complaint procedures. All allegations of officer misconduct or wrongdoing shall be thoroughly and objectively investigated to their logical conclusion. All department members are directed to accept reports of employee misconduct from all persons who wish to file a complaint regardless of the hour or day of the week.
– This includes reports from anonymous sources, juveniles, undocumented immigrants, third-person parties and persons under arrest or in custody.
– A person may file a report in person, over the telephone, through traditional mail or any form of electronic media.
– Juveniles wishing to file a complaint are not required to have a parent or guardian present, however notification shall be made to the parent/guardian after the complaint is received.
– A person may file a complaint regardless of their immigration status or citizenship.
– A person shall be encouraged to submit their complaints in person as soon after the incident as possible.
– If the complainant cannot file the report in person, a supervisory member or sworn member shall accept the complaint and forward the completed report to the Internal Affairs Unit.
– The complaint can also be submitted electronically to the Professional Standards Unit Commander Lt. Greg Oliva at [email protected]
You can send a “Thank You” or a recommendation for an award for any Little Silver Police Department employee by filling out the following form and clicking “submit”. Law Enforcement can sometimes be a thankless job, and this is one way you can let the management of the Little Silver Police Department know when an employee is doing a good job. The mission and goals of a Police Department can only succeed with the support of the Community. Please include as much information as possible, so that we can identify the Department employee(s) to whom your message corresponds.
Little Silver Police Department Drug Testing Policy
Personnel Performance and Early Warning System Policy
Body-Worn Cameras
Internal Affairs Summary Reports
Appendix A-Complaint-Information-Sheet-Arabic